Myplate daily checklist
Myplate daily checklist

myplate daily checklist

Saturated fat- A type of fat found mostly in animal products in which the carbon atoms are fully hydrogenated saturated fat raises the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Hydrogenated fats have been implicated in the development of coronary heart disease and impaired cell signaling in the brain. Hydrogenation- A process that turns liquid oils into solid fat. Healthy eating patterns are typically rich in nutrient dense foods with combinations of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, reduced fat dairy products, seafood, and some meat. Healthy eating patterns- The combination of foods and nutrients consumed, which can have a positive influence on health. Cardiovascular disease- Disease of the heart and blood vessels. B-complex vitamins- Vitamin supplements that contain all eight types of vitamin B (B 1, B 2, B 3, etc.), which help in cell metabolism but are each chemically distinct from one another. KEY TERMS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)- A disease of the immune system caused by infection with the retrovirus human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Drink and eat less sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar.Make at least half your grains whole grains.Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.The MyPlate format also includes a number of informative messages that can be tailored by population group such as: The plate format is supposed to make it easier to determine appropriate serving sizes, by portioning food according to proportions rather than measuring out individual servings (e.g., 3 oz. It represents dairy products such as a glass of low-fat or nonfat milk or a cup of yogurt. The fifth grouping is contained within a smaller circle in the shape of a glass or cup.

myplate daily checklist

The plate in MyPlate is divided into four main sections, with about 20% of the plate holding grains, 30% covered with vegetables, 30% filled with fruits, and 20% containing protein-rich foods. MyPlate uses a meal place setting to illustrate the proper distribution of the five food groups in a healthy diet. Also included was a personal tracker (MyPyramid Tracker) to allow individuals to track or monitor their food intake and physical activity level and track their energy balance (calories taken in compared to calories burned) for an entire year. As part of this MyPyramid guide, mention was given to a concept called “discretionary calories,” or calories that could be consumed after other food group requirements had been met.Tailored educational information was targeted to three different audiences-children, adults, and healthcare professionals.

myplate daily checklist


The program then calculated how many calories should be consumed daily and made recommendations on how to distribute those calories among the different food groups. A web-based feature was created that allowed individuals to personalize dietary recommendations by entering their height, weight, age, gender, and level of daily physical activity.

  • The former “one-size-fits-all” dietary guidance was abandoned.
  • Quantities of food were defined in familiar measures such as cups or ounces, rather than serving sizes.
  • Emphasis was placed on eating whole grains rather than highly processed refined grains.
  • Fruits and vegetables were listed as separate categories.
  • These were not the only changes incorporated into the MyPyramid.

    Myplate daily checklist